Tonsils traditional medicine could be an alternative to drugs in pharmacies and doctor visits. Swollen tonsils very disturbing daily activities, because it speaks to hurt and when the meal was great difficulty in swallowing food. Tonsils with a very severe level not infrequently lead on the operating table.
But before you can handle severe tonsillitis in a natural way is by taking the following traditional herb medicine.
Traditional medicine tonsillitis
Traditional medicine tonsillitis lime
Traditional medicine tonsillitis the first is the main ingredient lemon. Varian oranges that one is able reduces inflammation and infections that occur in the tonsils and cure tonsils with fairly good stage. Orange juice is also a storehouse of vitamin C are very good in keeping the immune system.
In making potions swollen tonsils traditional in this way need to be prepared is 2 pieces of lime and betel apur taste. Split into 2 parts lime and squeeze any excess.Combine the lime juice with water whiting. Drink this solution regularly with a dose three times a day.
Traditional medicine tonsillitis leaf mistletoe
Leaf parasite that often grows on other trees also have properties to cure inflammation of the tonsils. Which need to be prepared is Benal and fennel leaves pulowaras in portions sufficiently. After all materials washed clean, crushed leaves of mistletoe and fennel Pulo sane until smooth. Next is to pour hot water and strain to drink water when it is cold. Swollen tonsils traditional medicine drink this one on a regular basis and see the growth.
Traditional medicine tonsillitis noni
Besides having a highly potent efficacy in lowering blood pressure, noni or pace also has properties to cure tonsillitis. Prepare two grains of noni already taken .Tambahkan matang.Peras for pure honey to taste better. Drink this mixture regularly and wait, you will see the results are real.
Traditional medicine tonsillitis mangosteen rind
Lately, the mangosteen peel the star in the world of beauty. Well, besides good in your skin nutrition, mangosteen peel also has efficacy in curing several diseases one of which is to heal swollen tonsils. To how to make this herb also quite easy. Set up over 15 grams of mangosteen peel and mint leaf oil. Boil mangosteen peel with two bottles of water and wait until the remaining one bottle of water. Add a few drops of oil of mint leaves and mix well. Cool and put in a bottle or glass because you used to rinse your mouth for tonsil swelling. Do not drink yes, Remember! only to rinse.
A mixture of ginger, sugar and honey
How to treat tonsil naturally the latter is by consuming natural herbal ingredients that are made from a mixture of ginger, sugar and honey. Grate a few slices of ginger and brewed with hot water. Add the sugar and honey to taste. Drink this mixture every day until the swelling of the tonsils completely deflated as usual.
Similarly, an alternative way to overcome the tonsils without drugs. However, if the tonsils experienced severe cuku should still have to perform the checks to the doctor.May 5 drugs traditional tonsil above can cure this disease until cured to normal.