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In this case I would like to talk a little about what is sciatica and what can be done to not be something so annoying.
In my case I suffer from sciatica and have increased discomfort due to pregnancy. Previously had a lumbar lesion which had not been detected and start my first pregnancy, I started having discomfort in his right leg. Had pain before, but the effort associated during my guards performed by ambulance eb my youth (hehehehe)
Having had to Arnau, the orthopedist decided to do an MRI and left that had a protrusion of a disc and that it was pressing the sciatic nerve.
Whether, in pregnancy it is rare to have ciatica as such, but rather a pseudo sciatica is presented by the postural change suffered the column to accommodate the weight of the baby.
In this pregnancy, I’m doing two activities to help reduce discomfort and subsequent post will comment. For now I’m doing Swimming for pregnant and Yoga for pregnant women.
Really I recommend doing both, with or without sciatica, as it helps relax your back and the pregnancy is more bearable.
But to understand a little of what I mean, I talk a little about Sciatica.
What is sciatica?
Sciatica or Lumbosciatica is pain caused by compression of the sciatic nerve that originates in the lower back and is irradiated by the travel ciático- nerve to the heel of the foot. This pain is usually concentrated on one side of the body and can be mild, but generally people are very uncomfortable with sciatica. The pain is not constant.
It involves inflammation of the sciatic nerve caused by a spinal problem (which was caused by a degenerative process of the spine) causing compression of the nerve root nerve, or nerve compression in some part of its route (inflammation of tissue around nerve).
The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in our body. Leaving the lower part of the spine and runs along the back of the legs and then divided into feet. It is the nerve that allows us to feel and move the muscles of the legs and feet.
Sciatica manifests with severe pain in the lower back, lower back or back of the leg that may appear abruptly to flex or extend the column or more gradually after performing intense physical work. This pain is radiated through the sciatic nerve to one of the lower extremities, covering the buttocks, leg (back of the thigh) and the outside of the foot, and is usually accompanied by a tingling or numbness in the leg or the foot that can produce muscle weakness. Furthermore, this pain is worsened by coughing, sneezing or by tilting back and can become so intense that it prevents any movement of the affected leg.